在野党在这次选举不但守住丹州,更一举攻陷了槟,吉,霹,雪四州, 成功否决国阵在国会三分之二的国会议席,真是可喜可贺。身为槟城人的我,更是为民主行动党得以在槟州执政,感到无比兴奋与骄傲,这真是民主迟来的胜利呀!
这此选举充分显示了马来西亚各个民族对政府的不满与愤怒,对于国阵长期对人民压迫,马来西亚人民终于用手中的一票对国阵大大声说: Enough is enough! 五年前,人民赋予国阵九十巴仙的国会议席,把国阵带到天堂,可惜,五年来国阵政府只手遮天,行政,司法滥权与贪污案不断上演,油价,物价连连上涨,巫统举剑等事件,弄得民怨沸腾,民不聊生。国阵从天堂到地狱的惨败下场可谓咎由自取,自取灭亡。我想此次选举结果应该可掛醒我们沉睡中的首相,如他再不觉醒,痛定思过,下次不但会再失州政权,就连中央政权也会拱手让人。
在此我希望呼吁在野党,此次的选举结果虽已结束,但它更意味着责任的开始。在野党应把国阵的所做所为当作借镜,切记忽重倒他们的覆辙,辜负人民对你们的期望。如在野党 辜负人民,人民会再次用选票把你们赶下台!这就是民主的力量!
Yes, the election results this year can finally wake the sleeping PM up.
Indeed, it is a proud moment of the opposition parties that will be recorded in Malaysian history... After all these years since 1969, the ruling coalition finally lost their 2/3 majority. I guess this substantially puts their 'dictatorship' to an end.
And what deserves a round applause from all the opposition supporters is that they have made history by successfully obtaining the ruling power of 5 major states. Bravo~!
Looking forward to lesser discrimination and more rights for the non-bumiputeras.
Go, opposition!
as the election has jus over,our bursa has stop dealing on monday...
the share drop 10% starting the early morning...
side effect???
nt sure...
but those top 10 loser stocks r all related 2 government(or called BN las week...)
its time 2 do reform the cabinet..
its time 2 clear the rubbish...
its time 2 make malaysian proud of their country n the leadership of the government...
wat about penang??
i bliv peanang is heading 2 a brighter future lo...
really wish that the toll for penang bridge wont increase haha so that i can still enjoy my favourite fried koaytiew n fried oyster...hahahaha
wat about other state such as kedah, perak, n selangor??
will they bcome islamic state as kelantan??
sorry im nt mean 2 offend muslim here but i know u sure know wat i mean rite??by the way the removal of prepuce is berkhaltam or berkhaltan??
qtyalrnas the election has jus over,our bursa has stop dealing on monday...
the share drop 10% starting the early morning...
side effect???
nt sure...
but those top 10 loser stocks r all related 2 government(or called BN las week...)
its time 2 do reform the cabinet..
its time 2 clear the rubbish...
its time 2 make malaysian proud of their country n the leadership of the government...
wat about penang??
i bliv peanang is heading 2 a brighter future lo...
really wish that the toll for penang bridge wont increase haha so that i can still enjoy my favourite fried koaytiew n fried oyster...hahahaha
wat about other state such as kedah, perak, n selangor??
will they bcome islamic state as kelantan??
sorry im nt mean 2 offend muslim here but i know u sure know wat i mean rite??by the way the removal of prepuce is berkhaltam or berkhaltan??
ah chang! i know your concern, as compare to pas, Umno is always better , i am sure tat our DAP politcian know our concern very clearly, if they dare to do that, we will use our vote again to make them step down, this is real power of democracy ok, remember they are not our boss, we, the people are the real boss!
wow...wow...dude...politic again here.....hehe...yeap..Penang is going to have a brighter future..at least this is the hope fr us, all the penang ppl...we welcome the new state government with opened heart, hope they really contribute and do their best for the seek of us....let pray for the new generation! Penang bravo!
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