Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Blog Or Not Blog, It Was A Question

Memory in Rome, Italy.

You might puzzle over my sudden decision to set up a blog. Well, I was hesitating whether or to set up a blog after acknowledging people around me had set up theirs. Initially, i really do not think it is a good idea as i always want to keep my life as mysterious as possible (although it was mainly due to my extreme laziness to set it up). Nevertheless (walaubagaimanapun), i realised that it does bring me more pros than cons. Following are the reasons for the decision:

Firstly, this blog is dedicated to my family and friends. A lot of my friends (especially those in Mas) do not really know what is happening in my London's life. So, to clear their doubts, especially in preventing them to ask me WHEN AM I COMING BACK ( Answer: Before Sept), i decided to set up a blog for them to gossip about me. (their life is getting bored without me)

Memory with my beloved friends,when we are still slim.

Secondly, it is dedicated to me, myself. Well, i am an extreme forgetful person, forget to greet friends for their birthdays, forget to appreciate what i had, forget about the value of life... Therefore, besides giving me an opportunity to express my appreciation to my beloved, setting up this blog helps me to know more about myself before my memory fades away.

Memory of the graduation with fantastic 4

Thirdly, it is a record for my thoughts and improvements. I have many thoughts in life, politics, democracy, economics, current awareness.... that i wish to express and share with, hence, this blog will be my platform to air my grievances on politics, to protest on those who misinterpreted democracy, to demonstrate my passion in life... and in the same time exercising my right of freedom of speech and expression. All in all, it is a record of my personal development both physically (whether i could successfully lose weight) and mentally (whether i could think maturely albeit i got a baby face)

Memory of having thoughts in cold

In conclusion, as i said in my first ever post, i am certain that this blog will bring joys, happiness and improvements for both my friends and I in the near future!

Choon Wei says:

If i ever lost my memory like those in Korean dramas, please do show me this blog.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008


4. 45pm 我对它说:你再不print 我跟你拼了!

再 过1 小时 15 分钟, 我必须要把我辛辛苦苦,熬了10 天,呕心沥血,的 38 篇论文交到大学去,如没准时交的话, 我就会被当掉,而且连当两科,如真被当,那我的律师梦可能因此破碎,百多千的学费就会丢入深海里!想到这里, 我的心凉了一半! 可是偏偏就在这个时候, 我可爱的printer 竟然发生故障! 我的天!从我家到大学起码都要30分钟, 如果情况再持续下去, 恐怕真得就会迟到!最近一直吃香蕉, 我真的不想再吃焦了!所以我在以疲累的身躯, 焦虑的精神,对我可爱的printer说:你再不print 我跟你拼了!

就在此时, 可爱的printer终于听到我爱的呼唤,动起来了!我想,我命不该绝。。。

但是,焦虑结束了吗!没有!因为我还得赶去学校交才行啊!!路途中,我心想,如果我走路时被车撞到,搭巴士遇到塞车,搭地铁被恐怖分子炸伤的话, 我还是会迟到!想着想着!差一点点我就。。。。我就。。。
错过该下的地铁站!我真是为自己捏了一把冷汗!不过那时却有想过,如果真的被炸伤, 我还是会捂住我身上的伤口`,爬去大学,因为我不能重考,我不能够再过如此非人的生活,再写38篇的论文了!想着想着,耶, 就到学校了!

走进办公室,耶,为何如此少人?看看手表,我的妈呀!才5.30pm! 好彩的叻!
就当我把我那呕心沥血,感人肺腑的论文交出去后, 耶,你说奇怪不奇怪,突然之间,三五成群的人就涌进来。 哟, 原来有好很多人都还没交呢!


讲了那么长, 总结是:我交了我的论文, 我没有被炸伤!


当你遇到上述情况时, 需紧记:



Friday, 18 January 2008


万众期待! 《俊语。伟论》 终于在众人的期待中,在2008年1月18日,雄立于此!真是无比壮观!就在今天,我以疲累的身躯,焦虑的精神, 期待的心情,来完成这个任务。 疲累是因为3 天来因为赶两篇考试论文我只睡了8 小时,没错,是8 小时!不要怀疑,我是大家认识的我,所以你说累不累!焦虑是因为我还没写完另一篇要在4天后交的论文,跑来这里写部落格,所以你说焦不焦!不过我更是以期待的心情来迎接此刻, 因为我相信我的时间不会白花的,而我更坚信此部落格将会带给我无穷无尽的欢乐与进步!此乃为何? 下回分晓!因为我再不写论文!我就要吃蕉了!谢谢各界支持!
